In addition to generating a Consignment with details and images of the selected works, you will be able to create and save consignment templates to reuse as needed.
Once you have selected the works you wish to export, clicked on the Export symbol, and selected the Consignment mode from the export panel, the system will allow you, through the selection of different fields, to configure the details of the selected works.
Click Continue, the system will show you a summary of the selected works that you intend to export in Consignment.
Start writing the contents of the consignment, and once you have finished click on the floppy symbol in the upper right corner.
Name your template and click Save template to save.
From now on, whenever you want to export a consignment, at the time of configuration you can choose whether to use a blank consignment or to use your own template where you will find all the information saved previously.
Once you have saved the template, you will find the list of all templates created within Settings.
- Click on the cog symbol at the bottom left of the home page and go into Settings
- Click on Consignment templates
- At the template you want to delete, click on the three dots symbol and choose Delete template from the menu
- A confirmation modal will appear, click Delete if you want to delete your template