Artshell allows you to export selected works in a variety of formats such as Checklist, Consignment, Qr Code, Labels, Artwork sheet, and Certificate of Authenticity.
Once you have selected the artworks you wish to share, click on the Export symbol and select the export mode that most interests you.
From the Export Panel. The system will allow you, through the selection of several fields, to configure the details of the selected works you intend to export and in particular:
- Save As: In this field you will be able to name your file before exporting. Please note that this is a mandatory field.
- Price: if selected, allows you to export the price for the selected works. Specifically, the system will retrieve and display the price and currency present in the different tabs of each of the selected works. Should you wish, you can customize each of the prices for the selected works by clicking on the pencil icon at the price you wish to change and save the change to take effect.
N.B. To remove the price field selection simply from the Options panel use the switch to the left at the Price label. Unselecting the switch will show the Price field deselected.
- Other Options: by clicking on the white arrow to the right, the system will present you with a section where you can view and manage Details (Artist, Title, Year, Technique, Size, Editions and Signature) / Work ID / Ownership / Acquisition / Insurance / Valuation / Location / Maximum Encumbrances / Packaging / Rights and Liens / Notes). If selected, each of these fields allows you to export within the checklist the relevant details for all selected works.
Once you have configured the Contents you can set the final details of Layout and Show/Hide, and in particular:
- Language: allows you to choose what language you prefer to export the selected worksheets in. We suggest you choose the same language in which you uploaded the contents.
Show Logo: If enabled it allows Include your account logo at the top of the PDF generated for the checklist, vice versa if disabled the logo will not be shown.
Show Cover Image: In case you wish to export a checklist of details only and without images for the selected works, disabling this switch allows you to export the PDF document without cover images for the works.
Click on Generate and the system will generate the PDF of the chosen format with the selected works. Once the generation of the file is complete, it will be automatically downloaded and saved to your device.