The team that has been enabled to access Artshell will be able to browse the archive and see information about the works, including details, media, and documents.
They will also be able to check and edit the Status of the works as Available, Unavailable, Reserved.
To enter or change the Status of the works, open the works tab and in the Status field click on the arrow to open the drop-down menu that allows you to choose from three different statuses for the work: Available, Reserved, or Unavailable. Then save the tab.
It is possible to search for all the works in the archive using its State as the search criterion.
By clicking on the magnifying glass symbol in the top center horizontal menu you will open the Search mode.
- choose search operator is: to search for certain conditions or active values from the details tab of the work's tab, by activating the operator is: you can search for works based on one of the suggested conditions. Scroll down the menu and in this case choose Status Available, Unavailable, or Reserved. Press Enter from the keyboard.
The system will find all works in the database that will have the Status you have chosen to search for.