The Tag field present in the event’s tab allows you to create a series of labels with which refine and group your events. More broadly speaking Tags are labels composed of one or more words that can be added as keywords and linked to a single event or to a selection of them (see Bulk tag management).
Tags are a very important instrument in Artshell and for this reason we invite you to exploit their potential.
In order to add a Tag to an event’s Tab it is sufficient to access the edit mode and type the keyword within the Tag field. When beginning to type a word the system suggests the words already in use in the other event tabs. If the keyword that you wish to add is present among those suggested, it will be sufficient to select it with your mouse or with the arrows on your keyboard. Alternatively, once you have typed the keyword, you can press ENTER on your keyboard to add the keyword to the system and in particular to your Events section.
The “suggestion” system behind Tags gives you hints about the words, whether the same or similar to the one you are typing, that are already in use in the other events tabs. This system allows you to avoid the use of different words intended to serve to same purpose. We then invite you to defining a shared and internal logic to apply to your collection when using Tags.
Should you encounter any trouble compiling or using tags or should any error pop up, we kindly ask you to write us at by providing us your information, the name of your account, the problem your are experiencing or the request for help. We ask you to be as detailed and specific as possible (you can also send us screenshots) with regards to the issue you are facing or the request for help, so to help our support department to be able to identify and solve the problem in the fastest way.