The document in Artshell is presented in its edit mode as a sheet where at the top you can specify a title and a date, beside having the chance of using the Multilingual feature, by selecting the language (Italian / English) in which you want to create content. By clicking in the white field under the title you will insert content to the document, and in particular:
Text: it is possible to put a text that describes the document. You can in fact copy the content from a Word, PDF or html link file, and paste it within the document. We suggest you to paste it unformatted, especially if you are copy-pasting from Word.
It is also possible to format a text within the document, by using the feature of formatting from the editor of Artshell. To format a text within the document it is sufficient to select the part that you wish to format, and a black "balloon” will pop up and some functions will be activated:
- Color: the first symbol on the left allows to set a color for the highlighted text. You can choose a color using the window and by navigating through the colors or otherwise by typing the HEX code (#000000, black)
- Bold: the second symbol allows you to set in bold the highlighted portion of text
- Italic: the third one allows you to set in italic the highlighted portion of text
- Font style: the fourth symbol allows you to set a font from the list of the available ones, set the dimension, and the line spacing
- Justification of text: the fifth symbol allows you to set the justification of the highlighted text, centered, to the right hand side, to the left, or justified. This button allows you to indent the text if necessary
- Link: the sixth and last symbol allows you to add a link to the portion of text highlighted. To add a link it is necessary to type or paste a link in the dedicated field, which will appear by clicking on the icon and then press ENTER on your keyboard. At this point three new symbols will pop up on the left hand side of the link: the first one on the left is to remove the link, the second one to edit it, and the third one allows you to verify it, meaning that a window of your browser will pop up with that link.
From the toolbar it is possible to insert media as pictures, videos or files, attached to your document. You can decide to insert them among the different parts of a text, to the end or at the beginning of the document. To add media within your document you can use the toolbar that appears at the bottom.
Note: Should the toolbar disappear from the bottom, it is sufficient to click on the outside of the area of the document.
The toolbar in the documents is composed of 3 buttons and in particular from left to right:
- Nib: it allows you to add the divider, a break line to divide your document. After having added this line which is black by default by clicking on it you can change its color by using the color picker or by typing the HEX color code.
- Medialibrary: The second button allows you to open the medialibrary and insert files, videos or images.
- Files: To upload files choose File from the menu and click on the grey file box that will appear in your document, then click on the pencil icon in the black menu and add the files you are interested in from the green media box that will appear on the right. To upload new files not present in the medialibrary, drag one or more files directly from your desktop or click on the + sign to the right to select a file from your PC. Click the Add button in the top left corner to add the file to your document. To permanently add the file to the document click on Save in the top left corner.
- Video: to upload videos choose Video from the menu and click on the grey video box that will appear in your document, then click on the pencil icon in the black menu and add the video you are interested in from the media window that will open on the right. To upload a new video, drag the mp4 video into the medialibrary area or click on the + sign to the right to select the video from your PC (maximum video capacity is 25gb), then click on the Add button. You can also add a video with a Vimeo or YouTube link: copy the link of the video and click on the link symbol on the left to paste the link, insert it in the Video Link space and then click Upload. To permanently add the file to the document, click on Save at the top left.
- Images: To upload an image choose Images from the menu and click on the grey image box that will appear in your document, then click on the pencil icon in the black menu and add the image you are interested in from the media window that will open on the right. Drag the image onto the media library area or click the + symbol in the top right-hand corner to select it from your PC. Click on the upload button at the top to upload the image if it is not present in the media library and finally click on the Add button at the top left. To permanently add the file to your document, click on the Save button at the top left.
- Images Slideshow: the third and last button allows you to add a slideshow to your document. From the medialibrary you can select up to 20 images for you slideshow. By clicking on the counter on the green bar, the system will show you the image in the order you chose. If you keep pressed on a picture, you will be able to move it in the position you prefer and then sort the pictures within the slideshow.
We remind you that after having edited to the document it is necessary to save it.
Lastly, if you need to delete a document, you can use the “Delete document” option from the three dots menu in correspondence with the document you wish to delete.
Should you encounter any trouble, or should any error pop up, we kindly ask you to write us at by providing us your information, the name of your account, the problem your are experiencing or the request for help. We ask you to be as detailed and specific as possible (you can also send us screenshots) with regards to the issue you are facing or the request for help, so to help our support department to be able to identify and solve the problem in the fastest way.