The Export mode in Checklist format allows you to export selected artworks in a pdf list where you can show images and details you may decide to export. This function allows you to quickly create lists for shipments, artworks details to be displaced within the exhibition space, or just simple lists.
Once the works you wish to export are selected, by clicking on the Export symbol and by choosing the Checklist mode from the Export Panel, the system will allow you to set the details for the artworks you wish to export by selecting multiple fields; in particular:
- Save as: in this field you can name your file before exporting it. We remind you that this is a mandatory field.
- details: if selected, it allows you to export the caption of the work: artist, title, year, medium, dimensions, edition, and signature. We suggest you to keep this field selected.
- Price: if selected, it allows you to export the price of the selected works. In particular, the system will retrieve and show the price and the currency present in the different tabs of the chosen artworks. In case you wanted to, it is possible to customize each price for the selected artworks by clicking on the pencil icon in correspondence to the price you wish to edit and save the change to make it definitive.
Note: in order to remove the selection of the price field it is sufficient to use the switch at the bottom right side of the price management panel, next to the tag Show prices. - External dimensions / Place / Artwork ID / Acquisition / Insurance / Evaluation / Rights / Property / Packaging / Notes: if selected, each of these fields allows you to export within the checklist the relative details for the selected works.
Once you have chosen and selected the details you wish to include in the checklist, by clicking on Continue it is possible to set the layout of the document, and in particular:
- Language: this last switch allows you to choose in which language you wish to export the tabs for the selected artworks. We suggest you to choose the language in which the contents were created.
- Show logo: if enabled, it allows you to add the logo of your account at the top of the generated checklist PDF, and vice versa if not.
- Show cover image: should you desire to create a checklist only made of details and no images for selected artworks, by disabling this switch it is possible to export the PDF document with no cover images for the works.
By clicking again on Generate the system will generate a checklist PDF with the selected artworks. Once the file generation is completed, this one will be automatically downloaded and saved on your device.
Should the file not be downloaded automatically and should the system show any error, we suggest you to check if your browser allows automatic downloads, in particular if in the URL bar on the top right of the screen you see a red X; in such a case, you can click on it to proceed with the download of your exported files.
Should you encounter any trouble, or should any error pop up, we kindly ask you to reach us at, by specifying your information and the name of your account. We also ask you to provide as many details as possible (also through the use of screenshots) about the encountered problem or about the request for help, so to help our support department identifying and solving the matter the as fast as possible.