The Artshell Export mode allows you to manage some fields of the Details tab at once, as seen in History section. In particular, this feature allows you to edit or add for a selection of works information about Collection / Place, Evaluation, Price, Insurance, or Acquisition details, all at once.
From the Artworks section, after having selected the works that you wish to edit and for which you desire to add Activities, you may click on the export symbol and then pick the Activity mode, within the Export Panel at the bottom.
The system will open another panel from which you can choose the Activity you wish to add for your artworks selection, among which you have:
- Price
- Acquisition
- Insurance
- Evaluation
- Place
Once the Activity to add is selected it is sufficient to fill in the details and press Save. The system will update the tabs of all the selected artworks with the updated values.
Note: When adding the values, for each Activity it is possible to insert a value with a date anterior to today. By clicking at the bottom of the detail panel, in correspondence with the Change date icon, you will see a calendar appearing that will allow you to add the new value.
Should for one of the selected works be already present a value for the chosen Activity, on the artwork tab of that very artwork, in correspondence with the field for which you have added a new Activity, the symbol of the Activity on black background will appear. By clicking on the icon you can access the History mode and then check previous values.