Within the Email section your emails and newsletters are listed by date of editing and for each email in the list you see its object in bold on the left and beneath it you find a small preview of the content, while on its right you see the status of the email, and in particular:
- Sent: a sent email has on the right of the record the date and hour when it was sent and two counters: one indicates the number of contacts to which it was sent (single tick), and the other the number of contacts that have opened it / read it (double tick). Note: you can have a more precise view of the stats by opening the email and by clicking on Recipients on top.
- Draft: a draft of an email has the date and the hour of editing on the right of the record and the specification Draft in orange underneath.
- Sending: for an instant, while sending the email, its state can be indicated as Sending, with a green airplane icon. The sending state is temporary, and should the state of your email not automatically change to Sent we suggest you to refresh the page and, in case it was not sufficient, please reach our support team at support@artshell.eu.
Should you encounter any trouble, or should any error pop up, we kindly ask you to write us at support@artshell.eu by providing us your information, the name of your account, the problem your are experiencing or the request for help. We ask you to be as detailed and specific as possible (you can also send us screenshots) with regards to the issue you are facing or the request for help, so to help our support department to be able to identify and solve the problem in the fastest way.