The functionality that allows you to Add new recipients for an already sent email is used to send an email to single contacts, Tags, or Lists.
The feature is designed to allow you to send the same email to multiple Tags or Lists that are updated throughout time, without having to worry about sending multiple times the same email to the same contact, and to allow you to gather in a single spot all the metrics related to a single email.
In particular, after having sent an email to a contact, one or more Tags, or Lists, it is possible to ask the system to send that certain email again to other contacts, other Tags, other Lists. In such a case, the system will send the email just to those addresses to which that very email was not sent previously.
We remind you that this feature allows you to send the same email to more contacts without making any change to the email you are considering. Should edits be necessary, we suggest you to duplicate, edit and send it again.
To add new recipients to a sent email, it is necessary to open the Detail panel of the email, and click on the symbol of the contact with a + next to it within the toolbar on the top right of the screen. A small panel will appear and there you will be asked to select the contacts, Tags, or Lists to which you wish to send the email; by then clicking on the symbol send on the top right of the screen your email will be sent.
Just as for the other sections, should a contact not be present among your contact list, you can add it by clicking on the + button on black background you find aside.
Should you encounter any trouble adding new recipients for the email, or should any error pop up, we kindly ask you to reach us at, by specifying your information and the name of your account. We also ask you to provide as many details as possible (also through the use of screenshots) about the encountered problem or about the request for help, so to help our support department identifying and solving the matter in the fastest way.