The following steps will explain you how to fill out an Excel spreadsheet to import your contacts onto your Artshell account:
- Download here our Excel template with the pre-compiled labels to import your contacts: name, surname, company, contact type, tags, email and email description, phone number, addresses, Skype contact, website, etc.
- Once you download the file you can start fill it in. We remind you that each column of the pre-compiled file corresponds to a field of the contact profile of your contact list on Artshell.
- When filling the file in you can manage the columns in whichever order you wish, you can leave them void or delete them. The system imports only those properly filled in. Attention: Do not change the header of the column in line 1 otherwise the system cannot create a correspondence between the Excel column and the Artshell field in your contact list.
- In the Tags column you can insert multiple tags divided by one another by a comma and space. It is not necessary to type the symbol # before the tag.
- You can add multiple email addresses, phone numbers, and addresses per contact. For each element added in such a way please insert a corresponding label with the following description:
For the email description use the label label email1, label email2, ecc.
For the email address use the label email1, email2, ecc.
For the phone number description use the label label phone1, label phone2, ecc.
For the phone number use the label phone1, phone2, ecc.
For the address use the label address2, city address2, postcode address2, state address2, country address2, ect.
- In order for Artshell to correctly elaborate your file we ask you to save it using the standard .xlsx format. Should you be used to use another format we remind you that in order to change it to .xlsx you have to open the File menu of your Excel program, then pick the extension .xlsx when Saving As.
Once you filled in and have saved your import file, go back to the Import contacts list of the Settings menu of Artshell and click on Browse to pick it and load it from your device onto Artshell.
After the upload It is possible to download a report of the import in Excel format.
Should you encounter any trouble uploading the contacts or should any error pop up, we kindly ask you to write us at by providing us your information, the name of your account, the problem your are experiencing or the request for help. We ask you to be as detailed and specific as possible (you can also send us screenshots) with regards to the issue you are facing or the request for help, so to help our support department to be able to identify and solve the problem in the fastest way.