In this area you can manage all the booking options for the event you created. In fact, this area is strictly related to the event you created and therefore to the dates recorded in your event. By accessing this area you will choose to enable a booking process for the current dates of your event.
In particular:
- Booking Slot: Here you can manually enter a maximum number of participants and link them to a time slot by choosing it in the Frequency.
Note. The number of participants that you will insert is related to the time slot chosen and not to the entire duration of the event.
You will be able to manage the closing of reservations by choosing the time and moment through the drop-down menu (e.g. reservations will close 30 min before the end of the event).
By filling in these four options, the system will create a calendar that will be visible to the public when sharing the event. Participants in the event registration phase will be able to book following the limits you set.
- Support email: here you can insert a support email for the event participants who can contact you during the booking process for any information or requests.
NB. if you do not enter any support email, the program will insert the default email of the gallery inserted in the contact form.
- Participant restriction: here you can decide whether registration for the event is open to everyone or whether registration is restricted to a limited number of participants. You can manage it with the switch button (white dot on the left everyone can register; black dot on the right registration is restricted).
In case you choose the limited registration, you will have the possibility to select the Tag option so that the event registration is limited exclusively to the contacts in your contact list (contact sections of your Artshell account) that have that specific TAG. Specifically, during the registration process, the user will be asked to enter their email to see if it is present among your contacts and only if the email is present in a contact list that has the tag you set, then the system will allow the user to proceed and register for the event.
Please note that the Tags as recipients work in OR and not in AND, that is, if you add two tags the system will allow access to the emails of the contacts that have either the first or the second Tag and not to the contacts that have both the first and the second Tag.
You'll also be able to generate coupons to assign to event guests to manage reservations. In addition to generating an unlimited number of coupons, you can save them by entering a description (e.g., to whom it should be assigned) and a limit (e.g., the number of people to whom it should be assigned).
- Booking confirmation: here you can manage the booking confirmation replies to the event participants.
You can decide whether to
- set up a sender e-mail from which booking confirmation and reminder messages will be sent.
create a booking confirmation e-mail (you will find a standard message generated by Artshell but you can change it by clicking on it). Once you have created the message you can send a test e-mail by clicking on the send test button. A page will open where you can add one or more addresses to which the test e-mail will be sent to confirm the booking or you can add a new address by clicking on the + button. - create a reminder e-mail which will automatically be sent 1 day before the event. Here too you will find a standard message generated by Artshell but you can edit it by clicking on it. Once you have created the message you can send a test mail by clicking on the send test button. A page will open where you can add one or more addresses to which the test e-mail will be sent to confirm the booking or you can add a new address by clicking on the + button.
- create customised buttons. It is possible to insert text inside the button, add a link, add an event cancellation button and set the colour.
- Set the graphics of the mail by adding a header and a footer that will be displayed in confirmation and reminder mails. Add an image that will appear in the mail.
- creating passes for your Apple or Android wallet allows you to create a passbook (free electronic ticket) for the selected period. In particular, the user who registers for the event will be able to download in their "wallet", the ticket you created, directly from the confirmation email they will receive once they make the reservation.
In particular, you can create your pass in this way:
Logo: using the first pencil symbol in the upper right corner, you can select an image as the logo of your Passbook when you open the medialibrary;
Image: clicking on the second symbol of the pencil you can, by opening the medialibrary, insert an image, or the logo with the name of the event that will be visible in the center of the passbook.
Color: the second symbol below allows you to customize the color of your passbook if you prefer a color instead of a background image. We remind you that you can choose the color either by using the window and browsing the colors or by entering the HEX code (#0000, black);
Back and text: by clicking on the first symbol of the i at the bottom, you can write notes on the back of the passbook. You can add an image, a video or a file directly from the medialibrary which will open automatically. To add the element of your interest, simply click on it and then click on the "add" button at the top left. Or you can decide to add a selection of elements by clicking on the select button to the left of the + button at the top right. After selecting the elements you can add them by clicking on the black "add" button at the top left.
Once the passbook has been created, a test can be downloaded by clicking on the download test button. You will find your passbook directly in the download folder of your pc.
After setting up your booking confirmation, you can send a test e-mail to check the result.
If you have any difficulty in filling in the fields, or if there are any errors, please write to:, specifying your personal details and account name. Please detail as much as possible (even with the use of screenshots) the problem encountered or the request for intervention, in order to help our support department to identify and solve the problem as soon as possible.